Diablo 3 wiki barbarian
Diablo 3 wiki barbarian

diablo 3 wiki barbarian diablo 3 wiki barbarian

Diablo 4 Barbarian Unique Equipment Guide.You’ll also be able to assign specific weapons to different skills, allowing advanced players even greater depths of customization.īarbarians bring the power of the new Arsenal system in battle, arming them with the ability to carry and rapidly switch between four different weapons at a time by assigning them to individual attacks. Barbarian also has a unique Arsenal System, they can swap between different types of weapons, such as from a heavy two-handed mace to a pair of sharp, agile hand axes, depending on the situation, skill, and your player needs. Barbarians will be able to haul around four total weapons and swap between them dynamically at any time. In a new feature introduced for Diablo IV, Barbarians can assign different weapons to individual attacks. The Diablo 4 Barbarian is a powerhouse of strength and stamina, specializing in heavy AOE attacks and capable of formidable gap-closers.

Diablo 3 wiki barbarian